American Society for Innovation in Dentistry (ASID)


Bylaws of the American Society for Innovation in Dentistry (ASID)

Article I: Name

The name of this organization shall be the American Society for Innovation in Dentistry, hereinafter referred to as ASID.

Article II: Mission

The mission of ASID is to emerge as a primary hub for dentists and dental professionals in pursuit of information and collaboration concerning cutting-edge dental innovations. Furthermore, the organization endeavors to furnish networking opportunities and serve as a platform for aspiring dental students to nurture their innovative spirit, enabling them to develop ideas and enhance their competitiveness as applicants.

Article III: Membership

1. Eligibility: Membership in ASID shall be open to dentists, dental professionals, researchers, educators, students, and individuals interested in promoting and advancing dental innovation, subject to the requirements outlined in these bylaws.

2. Categories: Membership shall consist of the following categories:

a. Regular Members: Dentists and dental professionals actively involved or interested in dental innovation.

b. Associate Members: Researchers, educators, students, and individuals with an interest in dental innovation.

3. Admission: Individuals seeking membership in ASID shall submit an application along with any required fees. Membership shall be granted upon approval by the ASID Board of Directors.

4. Rights and Privileges: All members shall have the right to participate in ASID activities, access resources, attend meetings, and exercise voting rights in accordance with these bylaws.

Article IV: Governance

1. Board of Directors: The governance of ASID shall be vested in a Board of Directors, which shall consist of elected officers and appointed members.

2. Officers: The officers of ASID shall include a President, Vice President, Secretary, and Treasurer, elected by the membership. Officers shall serve a term of two years and may be re-elected for successive terms.

3. Duties of Officers:

a. The President shall preside over meetings, provide leadership, and represent ASID.

b. The Vice President shall assist the President and perform the duties of the President in their absence.

c. The Secretary shall maintain records, handle correspondence, and keep minutes of meetings.

d. The Treasurer shall oversee financial matters, maintain financial records, and prepare reports.

4. Meetings: The Board of Directors shall meet regularly to conduct ASID business, with meetings open to all members. Special meetings may be called as necessary.

Article V: Committees

1. Establishment: The Board of Directors may establish committees as deemed necessary to further the objectives of ASID.

2. Composition: Committees shall consist of members appointed by the Board of Directors, with a chairperson appointed by the President.

Article VI: Finances

1. Fiscal Year: The fiscal year of ASID shall begin on the first day of January and end on the last day of December.

2. Budget: The Treasurer, with input from the Board of Directors, shall prepare an annual budget for approval.

3. Financial Records: Accurate financial records shall be maintained and made available for review upon request.

Article VII: Amendments

These bylaws may be amended by a two-thirds majority vote of the members present at any regular or special meeting, provided that notice of the proposed amendment(s) has been given to the membership at least thirty days prior to the meeting.

Article VIII: Dissolution

In the event of dissolution, the assets of ASID shall be distributed for one or more exempt purposes within the meaning of Section 501(c)(3) of the Internal Revenue Code, or the corresponding section of any future federal tax code, or shall be distributed to the federal government, or to a state or local government, for a public purpose. Any such assets not so disposed of shall be disposed of by a Court of Competent Jurisdiction of the county in which the principal office of the organization is then located, exclusively for such purposes or to such organization or organizations, as said Court shall determine, which are organized and operated exclusively for such purposes.


These bylaws are hereby adopted by the American Society for Innovation in Dentistry on this 5th day of April, 2024.

President: Dr. M Ali Saghiri

Secretary: TBD